Wednesday, May 8, 2019

New Things in Norfolk (VA)

Mermaids guarding The Norfolk Harbor greet Dan, Mary
and Tori to Waterside Marina. 

Dan and Mary in Norfolk Waterside Marina at the Great Loop Rendezvous. 

This Great Looper has so far completed 600 miles on his
Personal Water Craft.
He did have to stop for a while due to his feet being constantly wet in the salt water. His feet became very blistered, so he stopped for a few weeks to let them dry and heal. Some people love a challenge. 

 Sliver of a moon on 5/6/19 from Waterside Marina in Norfolk, Virginia.

Waterside Marina feels a little like Las Vegas except for boats and yachts
-- and it is in Norfolk, Virginia.

Oh Look!  Another Mermaid!


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  2. Have you had any rough sea experiences? Has the weather stalled your journey? How do you pack enough, and the proper clothes for this long voyage through changing climates? Looking forward to your next updat.

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America's Great Loop Radio Podcast Interview

We were interviewed for the America's Great Loop radio podcast that aired Friday, August 20.   The program is about 40 minutes. Hope we ...