Sunday, August 18, 2019

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - NOT

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio
-- which we refused to visit. 
Why?  No exhibit and not even one photograph of Minnesota’s 2nd Nobel Laureate in Literature. Mary’s Minnesota Uncle Sinclair Lewis was the 1st.
In fact, he was the first American to receive the Nobel in Literature. 

We wanted to see and possibly hear Bob Dylan’s work.
Nothing. Nada. 
We refused to pay the $25 entrance fee.

I asked if they had ever heard Like a Rolling Stone, one of Bob Dylan’s and Rock and Roll’s quintessential rock songs.
The answer is still blowing in the wind.
So long, Rock and Roll place. It is not a hall of fame without recognizing Minnesota’s Robert Zimmerman, aka Bob Dylan.
So long, Cleveland. We will be back when you erect a shrine to Bob Dylan. 

America's Great Loop Radio Podcast Interview

We were interviewed for the America's Great Loop radio podcast that aired Friday, August 20.   The program is about 40 minutes. Hope we ...