Thursday, January 31, 2019


No, it’s not what you’re thinking. 
However we have been warned not to get close to the dyslexic version of this sign as there is an $8000 fine for a selfie and possible jail time. The Secret Service frowns upon any boats getting near. With our Washington State
flag flying and our past support for Governor Jay Inslee,
the fines and jail time might be doubled.


We are off the boat on a trip to research possible stops in Marinas on our way south. We know we are in the Everglades -- being surrounded by alligators.
They appear to be well fed. 

And, not only do we have to worry about the Gators,
but we also have to worry about the Florida panthers.

Gators in Action

This gator is undisturbed by the highway traffic just above him.

Here you can see his friend hanging out in the grass
between him and the highway.

America's Great Loop Radio Podcast Interview

We were interviewed for the America's Great Loop radio podcast that aired Friday, August 20.   The program is about 40 minutes. Hope we ...