Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Jekyll Island, Georgia

Once the winter home for the Vanderbilt, JP Morgan, Goodyear,
Singer and Rockefeller families. 
The entire island was purchased and became a private club. When all the club members were gathered on the island they represented 1/6 of the world's wealth. Not the United States' wealth but the WORLD’S wealth. 
The club was established in 1886 and continued until 1942.
It is now a Georgia State Park opened to the public. 

Joseph Pulitzer built this cottage and the family donated it to become
the Island’s infirmary.

The large dwellings were referred to as cottages. 
Almost all the club members had summer homes in Nantucket and other New England areas. The Jekyll island winter cottages were used from January through March, then they left for the summer homes in the North.

If you are interested in reading more about this island and the people who wintered there, check out this book.

Pelicans in Georgia!

The pelicans accompanied the Gammel Dansk on the upper Mississippi
as we headed south to warmer weather. The pelicans followed us
down the rivers to the Gulf of Mexico, Florida and now Georgia. 
We saw this group on a small sandbar as we entered the State of Georgia.
As if they were welcoming us to their winter home. It has also been fun to see them soar above the water looking for fish then abruptly
diving into the water to catch the fish. 

America's Great Loop Radio Podcast Interview

We were interviewed for the America's Great Loop radio podcast that aired Friday, August 20.   The program is about 40 minutes. Hope we ...