Thursday, February 7, 2019

101st Airborne Convention

A side trip to Tampa Bay, Florida for Dan's 101st Airborne convention.
It is 50 years since 1969. Dan arrived in Vietnam in December 1968 and spent all of 1969 in Vietnam. He returned CONUS (continental United States) on February 13th, 1970. We met Sal, a medic and great guy. His stories are much different than Dan's as he treated and cared for wounded
and dying soldiers. A great guy. 

Here's a picture of young Dan carrying all his supplies on his back.
An early version of a Tiny House.
 If you're interested in seeing more pictures of young Dan in Vietnam,
with other members of Delta '69-'70, click here.


  1. Remarkable. Thank you for sharing this part of your life. Thank you for your service. Respectfully.

  2. Thanks Dan, keep sharing. Love hearing all the remarkable things you did for our country.

    Kevin and Linda

  3. Love this picture and the story...

  4. Thank you for your service!


America's Great Loop Radio Podcast Interview

We were interviewed for the America's Great Loop radio podcast that aired Friday, August 20.   The program is about 40 minutes. Hope we ...